This event focuses on self-neglect as a type/category of abuse. The aim of the session is to explore the systems whereby organisations can work with people who self-neglect with the aim of reducing the risk posed. This includes eligibility assessments under Section 9 or a Safeguarding Enquiry under Section 42 of The Care Act 2014. Best practice in relation to working with people who self-neglect will be explored as well as learning from relevant Safeguarding Adult Reviews.
About the speaker

Professor Michael Preston-Shoot has been a social work academic since 1988 and is an expert in relation to self-neglect. Michael specialises in teaching law to non-lawyers, principally social workers and social work students. Currently, Michael is the Independent Chair of Greenwich Safeguarding Adults Board and Lewisham Safeguarding Adults Board. He has authored a number of Safeguarding Adult Reviews nationally and co-researched and co-authored the research paper entitled; The National Overview of Safeguarding Adult Reviews