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About this publication
This report details a range of findings from recent health and care engagement with people and communities conducted in the six boroughs that are covered by the South West London Integrated Care System: Croydon, Kingston, Merton, Richmond, Sutton and Wandsworth.
The insight was used to inform the development of our Joint Forward Plan, detailing how the ICB and our partners will work together over the next five years to meet the needs of local people. The review builds on the previous people and communities insight analysis work which looked at key themes to help inform priorities for the Integrated Care System in October 2022.
The review examined nearly 200 reports submitted by Healthwatches, voluntary and community sector organisations, NHS Trusts, local councils, and Place-based public and patient engagement teams. Partners were asked to submit relevant engagement reports published in the previous 18 months.
Because of the timescale for inclusion, the reports provide up to date information about public experiences of local health and care services, but they do not create a comprehensive picture of all care pathways for all groups of patients. Many of the findings are specific to a particular borough. The time period covered by the review means service provision and access may have been affected by the pandemic.
This report is structured by care settings, collaboratives and spotlights to reflect the structure of the Joint Forward Plan. The same information may be included in multiple sections where it is relevant.