The ICB will execute its statutory duties under the Children Act 2004 and the Care Act 2014 by ensuring that all staff are trained to the required level according to their role and responsibilities. The principle philosophy is that safeguarding is everybody’s business and all staff will respond to concerns, raise safeguarding awareness and address any emerging issues.
Safeguarding is firmly embedded in the core duties of all organisations across South West London health system. All organisations are required to meet statutory responsibilities for safeguarding, which include making sure there is clear leadership and lines of accountability, having appropriate policies and procedures, providing safeguarding training and working in partnership with relevant agencies to protect children and adults at risk of harm.
Fundamentally, it remains the responsibility of every healthcare organisation and each individual healthcare professional, to make sure the principles and duties of safeguarding children and adults are holistically and consistently applied and the wellbeing of those children and adults is at the heart of everything we do.
We are committed to making sure safeguarding is a high priority at all levels of the organisation. As an Integrated Care Board there is a responsibility to work collaboratively with all of our CQC registered healthcare providers to be assured that providers are delivering on their safeguarding responsibilities.
To achieve this, there are robust arrangements in place to provide strong leadership.
- There are clear lines of accountability for safeguarding in South West London Integrated Care System
- An accountable officer and an executive lead for safeguarding are in place
- Responsibility for safeguarding children and adults at risk sits within the portfolio of the SWL Chief Nursing and Allied Health Professional Officer, Director of Patient Outcome
- Designated professionals provide expertise on safeguarding to South West London Integrated Care System and the health economy. There are separate designated roles for Children, Children Looked After and Adults for each of the Boroughs in South West London. They provide assurance on safeguarding statutory responsibilities and provide safeguarding advice, training, and support to providers.
- There will be key leads across SWL to deliver the requirements outlined in the NHS England ‘offer’ (May 2023); Safeguarding Accountability and Assurance Framework (SAAF) and to “be the best local safeguarding systems they can be by April 2024” (NHSE CEO, April 2023).
- South West London ICB is committed to partnership working and is a key member of the Safeguarding Children Partnerships and the Safeguarding Adult Boards. Executive representation is delegated from the Chief Nurse to Directors of Quality, supported by designated professionals.
- The ICB adheres to safer recruitment and requires all eligible South West London ICS colleagues to complete a disclosure and barring service (DBS) check. Enhanced level checks are also carried out, where appropriate, and where safeguarding responsibilities are included in the employee’s job description.
- Safeguarding training is mandatory for all South West London employees in line with the Intercollegiate documents for safeguarding children (2019) and adults (2018)
- In addition the ICB gives support to GP practice staff and encourages all GP practices to have a named safeguarding champion who will ensure safeguarding principles are embedded in front line practice.
- There are policies and systems guidance in place to achieve objectives pursuant to the public sector Equality Duty, to ensure that advancing equality and diversity and reducing health inequalities is compliant with NHS England’s equality objective 7 (2022-2023 Integrated Care Boards), and the ICB aims to address disproportionality and inequalities in safeguarding practice.