This plan sets out how we aim to achieve maternity and neonatal service equity and equality in South West London.
Board papers – January 2024
Papers for the NHS South West London Board meeting on Wednesday 17 January 2024. Includes minutes from the November 2023 Board meeting. -
South West London maternity and neonatal services equity and equality action plan, 2023 to 2027
A summary of our action plan to make sure every birthing parent and baby has a good outcome, no matter what their background is or where they live. -
Board papers – November 2023
Papers for the NHS South West London Board meeting on Wednesday 22 November 2023. Includes minutes from the September 2023 Board meeting. -
You said we did: Experiences of post diagnostic services for autistic people and people with ADHD, Kingston and Richmond, July 2023
Outlines the themes that emerged from our engagement report, Experiences of post diagnostic services for autistic people and people with ADHD, Kingston and Richmond, and how local health and care partners are working to make improvements in these areas. -
Transforming mental health services for children, young people (0-25) and their families across South West London
South West London transformation plan for children and adolescent mental health services, updated in 2023. -
Experiences of post diagnostic services for autistic people and people with ADHD – Kingston and Richmond
This report outlines the findings of engagement with those who have lived experience of the post diagnostic services for autistic people and people with ADHD in the boroughs of Kingston and Richmond. -
People and communities engagement assurance group: Engagement at place report – September 2023
Our people and communities engagement assurance group reviews the engagement work we do in each of our six borough places. -
Working with people and communities – annual report, 1 July 2022 to 31 March 2023
A report on our engagement activity working with wider Integrated Care System partners, from community-led approaches to digital and online engagement.